Solidarity Support

After the devastating earthquakes in the south-east of Turkey and in the neighbouring regions in February 2022, various civil society, socialist and feminist structures and organisations became active in the affected regions and began to provide essential supplies to the population – in addition to searching for survivors, sometimes with their bare hands.

Mor Dayanışma soon turned its focus especially to the region of Hatay. In the days and weeks that followed, different solidarity campaigns were formed in European cities, which decidedly support the important work of Mor Dayanışma. This page gives an overview of the campaigns through which the support from Europe goes directly to the friends in Turkey.

If your campaign is missing: Please let us know.

Account name: Erdbeben Türkei (Austria)
Note: Soli für Edbebenopfer
IBAN: AT31 3849 9000 0515 3523

Account name: Verein für Solidarität (Swiss)
Note: Earthquake Turkey
IBAN: CH26 0900 0000 1538 6195 1

Account name: Labournet e.V. (Germany)
Note: Lila Solidarität
IBAN DE76 4306 0967 4033 7396 00

A donation receipt to the latter can only be issued if the postal address is available. An e-mail to is sufficient.